D. Buffer strip

(1) Goal: The goal of the Commission is to maintain a strip of dense, vegetative cover between the development activity and the resource area to be protected, consisting of indigenous plant materials suitable for the maintenance of wildlife, both flora and fauna.

(2) Function: A buffer strip serves to provide wildlife habitat, improve water recharge, reduce pollution and erosion and to maintain the natural appearance of our fresh and saltwater shorelines.

(3) Size of buffer strip:

(4) The elements of the buffer strip should reflect the indigenous vegetation suitable to the site.

(5) Permissible work in buffer strip: While it is the Commission’s intent that no work shall occur in this strip, any work which is proposed must meet a higher performance standard than work proposed elsewhere in the buffer zone, and will generally be limited to habitat improvement or vista cutting. Vista cutting is limited to pruning, lifting and clearing as defined below. Habitat improvement is described under G, Wildlife Habitat. The Commission may require that a buffer strip be created where none presently exists to mitigate past or present construction impacts.