E. Pruning, cutting, clearing and planting

(1) Cutting, removal, or other destruction of aboveground vegetation within a resource area as defined in § 196A-2 of these regulations or within a buffer strip as defined above shall be limited. If a buffer strip is to be maintained in grasses or as a wildflower meadow, other appropriate vegetation removal may be approved.

(2) Identification of specific view: View clearing in the buffer zone or vista cutting and pruning in the buffer strip or resource area will not be permitted until construction is completed and a specific view identified after occupancy. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the Commission before submitting the appropriate filing and when planning projects that involve the removal or replacement of vegetation in the buffer zone, buffer strip, or resource area.

(3) Buffer Zone and Buffer Strip definitions: As used in this section the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

(4) Criteria