
Piping allows you to merge information into the audit. The source of the information can be from the panel, answers to prior questions or key words. The general format of the piping is to surround the source with double square brackets [ [source] ] where source can be one of the following:

Key Words

    Note: [[UID]] [[RID]] [[PID]] will force the uid, rid and/or pid to be reloaded each time the audit is run.

Retrieving Information from the alignment table or panel (referred to as the panel):

Standard Panel Fields

In addition the 50 available custom fields can be piped using the [ [panel:custom_1] ] or [ [panel:variable name of the custom field] ]. For example if custom field 1 is named Chain it can be piped to the audit using either [ [panel:custom_1] ] or [ [panel:chain] ] .

Combining Panel lookup and updates with Autodrop lists or Date input

Answers to Questions

The answers to prior questions can be piped by referencing the question number and where applicable the row and column specified. For choose many questions, all of answered options can be piped by adding the # sign after the question number [ [3#] ].


Piping the answer to the third row of a choose one table: [ [1_3] ]. Where question 1 is a choose one table and the row is 3.

Piping the answer from a complex table with columns and rows: [ [1_2_4] ]. Where the question is 1 the row is 2 and the column is 4.

Piped answers will be displayed in the case they exist. To force lower case add the :lc option as follows:

[ [1:lc] ] will pipe the answer to question 1 in lowercase.