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Creating Advanced Tables

Advanced tables are created using the Multiple Type (calculations) or Table TextBox question styles. The content of each cell in the table can be set by changing the cell value. To view and change the cell values right click on the table and select the Edit Default Values option.

A value table will appear where you can enter instructions in each cell to change the cell input style, set a calculation, pipe in values from the panel, set default values and other options. The following is a list of options currently supported:

  • Date (calendar) - the key word “date” will cause a calendar to pop up when the user clicks on the cell.
  • Numeric combo
    • Max combo - the key word _max can be used after the combo instruction to limit the combo to the immediate right to be limited to the number selected in the combo. combo:1-10_max combo:1-10
    • Dif combo - the key word _dif can be used after the combo instruction to limit the number of items shown in the combo to the number not selected in the prior combo - for example combo:1-10 combo:1-10_dif (if four is selected in the first combo only 6 items will be listed in the second).
    • Text combo creates a combo with text values ie. combo:1#Yes;2#No;-1#NA
    • :NA adds an NA option to a numeric combo list ie. combo:1-5:NA. The result stored for the NA option will be -1
    • _refresh - forces the cell to be re-answered if the audit is retaken.
  • Repeat combo - repeats the combo show in the prior row of the same column
  • Search suggest list
  • Sum
  • Sum (w/ realtime calc)
  • If then else
  • Text Area
  • Change cell to label
  • Change cell to checkBox
  • Pipe from/to panel
  • Pipe date to panel
  • Pipe ption list to panel
  • Pipe answer from Prior Q
  • Pipe today's date
  • Pipe month, day, time, year, mdy
start/advanced_forms.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/20 11:51 by rnadler