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Any person filing a Notice of Intent or requesting a prior Determination with a Conservation Commission shall at the same time give written notification thereof, by delivery, in hand or certified mail, return-receipt requested, to all abutters and owners of property within one hundred feet (100’) of the property line of the land where the activity is proposed at the mailing addresses shown on the most recent applicable tax list of the assessors. If any work is to occur on a property with shoreline on a pond of less than 10 acres, Abutter Notification shall be extended to all pond shore owners. Said notification shall be at the applicant’s expense, and shall state where copies of the notice of intent may be examined and obtained and where information regarding the date, time and place of the public hearing may be obtained. Proof of such notification, with a copy of the notice mailed or delivered, shall be filed with the Conservation Commission.

abutter_notification.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/17 14:27 by rnadler