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§ 196A-12. Coastal Erosion

G. General guidelines. (1) The Conservation Commission puts emphasis on allowing a Coastal Bank’s natural processes to continue for as long as possible before Coastal Erosion controls are applied for.

(2) Coastal Engineered Structures (CES) may be permitted only after the applicant has shown there are no feasible alternatives. The applicant may be required to show that alternatives, such as soft structures, have been tried and failed.

(3) Coastal Engineered Structures (CES) must be as low and short as consistent with toe protection. Structures designed for complete protection against catastrophic storms, and lot line to lot line protection will be closely scrutinized.

(4) A “return” must be designed to avoid end scour on neighboring land and to prevent flanking of the structure. The Commission shall require that the return be setback from the applicant’s lot line to prevent accelerated erosion on the abutter’s property.

(5) Multiple projects: Where submitted jointly, these guidelines will be applied as closely as feasible, but with special consideration of a systems approach.

(6) Chink stone may be permitted only where the applicant can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the stone will remain in place. The applicant will be responsible for the removal of such stone that is scattered on the beach in violation of this requirement.

(7) Soft Structures that incorporate Fiber Rolls shall be required to have ID tags sewn on all coir rolls when they are installed to ensure proper ID and disposal if the rolls are dislodged from the project site.

coastal_erosion_guidelines.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/21 12:40 by rnadler