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§ 196A-11. Docks and Piers

B. Presumptions

Docks are one of the few activities which come before the Commission for regulation which occur entirely within resource areas, i.e. beaches, flats, salt and freshwater wetlands, land under both salt and fresh water bodies, land subject to tidal action, to flooding and to coastal storm flowage. Collectively, these resource areas are presumed significant to all the interests protected under the Act and the Orleans Wetlands Protection Bylaw, Chapter 160. Furthermore, almost without exception, docks occur in ACEC’s or in the Town Cove/Nauset estuary system where the performance standard requires that there be no adverse impact upon the interests protected by the Act and Orleans Bylaw.

docks_and_piers_presumptions.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/21 12:05 by rnadler