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§ 196A-6. Filing requirements

As part of these Regulations the Commission will require Forms, submission requirements and procedures that are available in the Conservation Department as well as the websites of the Town of Orleans and the Department of Environmental Protection (

A. A Notice of Intent may be submitted to the Conservation Department by noon on Monday of the 1st and 3rd week in the month generally fifteen (15) days prior to the desired Tuesday morning Hearing date. Application dates may vary due to holidays and other reasons.

B. When continuing a Hearing, request to continue for a certain reason to a date when you are sure all the new information can be submitted by Thursday at noon before the Hearing. Hearings cannot be continued indefinitely and those that are continued several times without additional or requested information may be denied for lack of Information.

C. A Certificate of Compliance request must include a report of any changes to the Order and any Conditions that have not been met even when asserting that the project has been satisfactorily completed or is in substantial compliance. The Conservation Commission may request an official Revised Site Plan to reflect the as-built conditions.

filing.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/17 14:59 by rnadler